Have any Questions? +01 123 444 555

Help in an emergency

When you report an emergency to us, we will provide you with treatment immediately whenever possible.

Please contact us immediately and arrange an emergency appointment in the event of damage to braces, such as a loose bracket or penetrating wire, or in the case of loose screws, inflammation of the oral cavity or acute pain. When you report an emergency to us, we will provide you with treatment immediately whenever possible.

If problems arise outside of our opening hours, please contact your local dental emergency service and contact us on the next possible working day to make an appointment for any necessary follow-up treatment.

Limmattal/Disctrict of Dietikon/ZH - tel. 0800 33 66 55

Baar/ZG - tel. +41 (0)844 22 40 44

Altdorf/UR - tel. 1811

Goldau (Schwyz) – Outer Schwyz region +41 (0)840 840 810 – Inner Schwyz region +41 (0)840 800 811

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